Sunday 11 October 2009

Ode to my Mistakes

My Dad once said "it's ok to make mistakes.. you're young.. you will learn and never repeat them again". 28 years old today and I still make mistakes, some new and some not so new but every time I make one I tell myself first mistake is a mistake, second time and same mistake, that's stupidity. So why do I repeat them again ? Even when I know that they will lead nowhere except where they led the last time. Just like bad news never gets better with time, a mistake doesn't cease to be one after repeating it even a zillion times.
So in my sincere attempt to avoid repeating any old mistake I shall make a conscious effort to change my pattern of life. Well not completely, but some aspects of it. Try and make a change for the better. Handle situations differently and open doors to a new set of mistakes cause no matter what the only people who never make mistakes are the ones who never do anything.


In Quest said...

Somehow I feel we are conditioned to make the same mistakes again and if its almost in our DNA.But realizing it and taking a conscious decision not to is like Darwin's theory of evolution...I like your line of thought..

CD said...

Haha... I would hate to blame my dad for my mistakes .... He is the only person I can always fall back on for some funny sarcastic advice..... My idol!!!!