You never find it ... no matter how hard you try... You never find true happiness .. true joy or true satisfaction.. it's always a few inches ahead of think you can reach it with your finger tips if you stretch enough.. but all the stretching falls short by a hair's breadth. At times I think I will be happy if I get just this 1 last thing.. but I am never happy... I don't mean I am sad ... it's just that I don't know yet what being ecstatic is. What would it feel like to sleep one night without having a few thousand goals and desires in my mind.
On second thoughts wouldn't that sleep be death. End of desires, goals, amibitions and wants. Wouldn't I be reduced to a vegetable. Do I really want an end to desires ? After all everytime I reach a goal and set 10 more goals formyself I am progressing, growing as an individual and moving closer to the peak called success. I am where I am today because I dared to dream big and I have even bigger dreams today. Dreams which I hope to turn into reality one fine day. Maybe I love myself for what I am. Someone who is never staisfied with what she has. I always want what I don't have and fight tooth and nail to get it. I don't always get it but I never feel I did not try. I love all my failures as much as I love my success since they taught me where to draw the lines for dreaming. One day I will stop dreaming... and chasing my dreams.. and maybe that day I would be virtually dead. But till then I will always keep searching for that elusive quality called true happiness.
The quest might be never ending but that peace does come and before death too.. even if for just one night - it does...
Its what they call a mirage. A never ending search for that elusive feeling. And having been on either side of it, I can say for sure that its simply a great feeling to experience!
And its worth to just live in the expectation that someday you'll be young again! :-)
Nice one !
whatever... :-)
its random thoughts that flow on the keyboard...
I think Happiness and Goals are disjoints. Even if you achieve a goal you would see another one and it will go on in the form of struggle. While happiness should be sought in the way we live. On daily basis rather than dope of achievement.
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