Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Another End

For days I wondered what went wrong, where I went wrong, what I did wrong. Now I finally get it, we just grew out of that friendship. At that time it made sense to both of us and we worked on it, spent time together, shared all our crazy experiences and dreams. But like everything else it slowly faded , he moved on with his life, things changed at his end, he made new friends and finally he just drifted away.
The only catch was I took longer to move on. But I did eventually. Now after so many days when I run into him our polite formal conversation makes me laugh. It's absurd to ask someone how was your day when there was a time we discussed every cup of coffee we drank during the day, every person we ran into, every article we read on the internet. No matter how many friends I lose to time I never get used to it, each time it hurts, maybe just a tad less than the last time but it does.

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