Saturday, 14 November 2015

Heal Paris

I want to wake up tomorrow morning and learn that the massacre in Paris didn't happen. I want to hear that residents of Paris are not hurt, in pain or grieving. I want Paris to be the city of my dreams once again, the Paris of art and culture, the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower.
I want the world to be a slightly better place, a place where fear, hatred, religion and discrimination doesn't exist. A place where people can still trust the person sitting next to them irrespective of their background. I want to heal Paris, I want the pain to quell away,  I want to wake up to a better day.

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Too Much Love

Maya was confused.  Was it even possible to love someone too much ? She had been with Saul for a handful of years but this was the happiest she had ever been. Life was good and everything felt right and perfect. Everything was good for her.
She never understood the personal storms he went through, he was only at the beginning of his adult life. He had different demons to fight, demons she knew nothing about, demons she would never learn anything about. She wished him well, she wished she could undo all his pain but in her heart of hearts she knew she couldn't change a thing. She had been down that road just like everyone his age. Of course, she knew and she understood, but she couldn't heal him. It was his battle, his trial by ordeal. All she could do was hold her breath and hope no matter what choice he made she still emerged a winner.