Saturday, 22 September 2012

End of Summer

It was a beautiful summer. It is how summers are in movies and books. It had all the charms and magic which make people look forward to a respite from the cold and bitter winter. I, strangely had never looked forward to summers. To me it meant heat and sweat and everything icky. However, this summer was different. For the first time in many many years it was different from anything I expected or had ever experienced. Do I regret anything today, maybe I do but then I have learned that regrets like everything else doesn't last forever, uh well.. maybe not, some do last forever but this wasn't one of those summers. So summer is finally coming to an end but I am sure fall will be better...much better. Here's to everything won and lost, to new beginnings and to beautiful ends.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012


In an attempt to be my true self I forgot that I was human. 

Monday, 27 February 2012

Our Song

I heard the song again today and it brought back so many pleasant memories from a long time ago. For a while it brought you back into my life, like you had never left. We were friends again for a short while and nothing had changed. Life had not intervened, priorities had not changed and we were just as important to each other. It was magical, well maybe not magical but comforting, like going back to your childhood home, a place where you know everything, how every crack on the wall has a story behind it, how every book is lined on the shelves like you had left them, how the morning sunlight creeps into the room at the same angle every morning and how you position yourself in bed every day to avoid the light. Yes, it was home and I was back with you. It was a good feeling and then the music ended and it was back to reality. I miss you my friend.